Monday, August 5, 2013

Network Marketing Strategies

Network Marketing Strategies For 2013

Internet advertisers employ savvy network marketing strategies to boost consumer sales. Multi level and affiliate marketing companies rely on a strong national or international team of qualified sales associates dedicated to selling a corporate brand directly to consumers. Associates focus on establishing and building relationships with individuals they hope will become repeat customers through face-to-face contact. But the home office seeks to broaden its reach to tap into domestic and foreign markets accessible by the worldwide web. Network marketing strategies involve developing sales tools not only for face-to-face contact, but also for state to state and nation to nation. Corporations create a strong web presence to enhance traditional promotional efforts with a multimedia mix which reaches a greater niche market. From print media promotion for sales associates, such as product catalogs, magazines, and brochures, to web-based marketing tools, such as interactive websites, video clips, pop-ups, and banner ads, today's corporations offer a virtual smorgasbord of opportunities for consumers to buy products. When it comes to developing network marketing strategies, consistency is crucial. Corporate promotional packages are developed to appeal to a specific target audience and to promote brand recognition and loyalty through employing consistent, high-quality graphics in print media, sales kits, and in electronic media, such as television and the Internet. An interactive website using the same graphics and branding as in catalogs and magazines serves to build brand recognition, customer loyalty and credibility. Effective network marketing strategies might also include using a well known celebrity spokesperson to promote a corporate brand in television ads, on product brochures, and online. The consistent quality of product advertising, especially when using a celebrity spokesperson, fosters consumer confidence and helps sales associates in the field; simply because consumers are able to recognize and recall national multimedia ad campaigns. When celebrities vouch for a product, consumers feel comfortable with purchasing and using products. And when affiliates or sales associates interact with cyberspace or local shoppers, recalling advertising which includes celebrity testimonials helps sell products and services.

Network marketers also help associates sell products by posting electronic pages for sales reps within the corporate website. By allowing consumers to order products from associates' pages using electronic forms and payment options, multi level and affiliate marketing companies reinforce an overall message and visibly connect independent associates to the larger corporate body, thereby building credibility and consumer loyalty. Network marketing strategies include designing corporate websites to include registration forms to construct consumer profiles. Each time a visitor logs onto the site, a harmless string of digital text is embedded into the visitor's computer which tracks which pages the visitor browses. Data gathered online usually includes a customer's name, address, city and state, telephone number, and email address. This data can be used to construct a consumer profile, build a large database, and assess which geographical areas are successfully being targeted by other media efforts. For instance, if data indicates that California's consumers ages 18 to 34 frequent a site more than those in Milwaukee, then strategists can adjust promotional efforts for desired results. From the time we are born, a record is kept in heaven regarding the things that are done in our bodies. Those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior will have their names written in the Book of Life and so escape condemnation: "And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the Book of Life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works" (Revelation 20:12).

By utilizing consumer inputs, corporations are also better able to tailor products to meet the needs of a specific niche market. If an online consumer routinely buys one product line, network marketers may want to contact the consumer via an opt-in email to introduce other product lines for increased sales. Effective network marketing strategies also include issuing permission-based email alerts to customers for special discounts. Internet advertisers can promote a greater sense of community by offering customer participation on blogs and chatrooms. Customers, especially those who are satisfied with the product or service, can share testimonials and encourage other consumers to try the company's product lines. Personalized emails help build relationships and meet the customers need to belong to an exclusive organization that is sensitive to their personal preferences. Internet merchandisers can also boost sales by becoming known as an industry authority. Network marketing strategies which position a company as a knowledgeable resource on a particular subject matter can increase credibility and sell products. Multi level and affiliate marketing companies which sell cosmetics may offer beauty and skincare tips online and in printed catalogs to reinforce brand recognition and build customer loyalty.

Web-based network marketing strategies may include posting pop-ups, banner ads, and video clips on high-traffic news, entertainment, or sports portals to target niche markets. When visitors log onto news or sports sites, Internet merchants can post a sponsored link, banner ad, video clip or print ad on the home page. A video clip is actually a mini-commercial for which the Internet advertiser pays the web portal or news channel to broadcast. When visitors click onto the site to watch a news report or entertainment clip, the advertiser's mini-commercial can be viewed. Graphically and visually linking those clips to other print and electronic media serves to reinforce the corporate brand. No matter what media multi level or affiliate marketing companies choose to promote products and services, they should strive for consistency, broad visual appeal, and promotional efforts which reinforce brand recognition and loyalty to a targeted audience. An interactive website can be used to complement and enhance existing traditional print and electronic media to increase traffic and boost sales at home, abroad and in cyberspace.


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